Time Telling Worksheets

Time-telling worksheets are instructional tools utilized in educational settings to enhance students’ comprehension of analog clock reading. They typically feature various exercises, including matching digital and analog times, filling in missing clock hands, and solving word problems involving time. These worksheets cater to learners of different levels, starting from basic concepts like telling time to the hour and advancing to more complex tasks such as determining elapsed time or converting between different units of time. They often incorporate colorful illustrations and engaging activities to make learning enjoyable and effective. Time-telling worksheets serve as valuable resources for teachers to assess students’ understanding of time concepts and provide targeted support where needed, fostering a strong foundation in time-telling skills.

How Many Minutes Pass? | Half and Quarter Hours | Whole and Half Hours

What Time Is It? | Answer Key

Draw The Hands on the Clock | Answer Key

Complete the Empty Clock | Answer Key

Using the Calendar

Elapsed Time | Answer Key

Telling time on a clock involves understanding the positions of the clock’s hands and the numbers or markers around its face. Here’s a step-by-step guide to tell time on an analog clock:

Identify the hands – Analog clocks typically have two hands – the shorter hand is called the hour hand, and the longer hand is called the minute hand. Some clocks also have a third, thinner hand for seconds.

Read the hour hand – The hour hand points to the hour of the day. Each hour is marked on the clock face by either a number (1 to 12) or a symbol, indicating the hour. The hour hand points to the current hour or the one nearest to it.

Read the minute hand – The minute hand points to the minutes of the hour. The minutes are marked around the clock face, usually in increments of five or one. The position of the minute hand tells you the minutes past the hour.

Interpreting the minute hand’s position – If the minute hand is pointing directly at one of the numbers, that number indicates the number of minutes past the hour. If it’s halfway between two numbers, you can estimate the minutes based on which number it’s closer to. For example, if the minute hand is halfway between the 4 and 5, it’s around 4:30.

Consider the third hand (if present) – If the clock has a third, thin hand for seconds, it will move continuously around the clock face. However, for most everyday purposes, you may not need to pay attention to the seconds hand.

Distinguish between AM and PM – The position of the hour hand helps you determine whether it’s AM or PM. In a 12-hour clock format, if the hour hand is pointing to a number between 1 and 6, it’s generally in the morning (AM). If it’s pointing to a number between 7 and 12, it’s generally in the afternoon or evening (PM).

By combining the positions of the hour and minute hands, you can accurately determine the time displayed on the clock face.