Introduction to Fractions Lesson

Our unit on Fractions provides a step-by-step introduction through a visual and conceptual approach. Basic terminology is covered, followed by procedures for classifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions, reducing to lowest terms, and comparing and ordering. Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers is also covered. This unit of instruction provides a solid foundation for students of all ages. Try our sample lessons below, or browse lessons on other units.

Introduction to Fractions

Lessons on Fractions Description
Introduction Students learn the relationship between the part and the whole with shaded circles and rectangles. Unit fractions and non-routine shading is also presented.
Classifying Fractions Fractions are classified as proper or improper both numerically and through shapes. Mixed numbers are also introduced.
Equivalent Fractions Equivalent fractions are introduced. Fractions are evaluated to determine if they are equivalent or not. The procedure for finding an equivalent fraction of a given fraction is covered.
Simplifying Fractions Students are shown how to simplify fractions by reducing them to lowest terms. Examples include both proper and improper fractions. GCF is shown to be the most efficient method for simplifying.
Comparing Fractions Methods for comparing fractions with like and denominators are presented. LCD is introduced and applied.
Ordering Fractions Students are shown how to order two or more fractions from least to greatest by comparing them two at a time. Problems are drawn from the real world.
Converting Fractions
to Mixed Numbers
The notion of sharing and dividing is used to illustrate this conversion. Remainders are converted to their fractional equivalents.
Converting Mixed
Numbers to Fractions
The procedure for this conversion is presented, along with a conceptual presentation through real world problems, with step-by-step solutions.
Practice Exercises To complete 10 additional exercises as practice. To assess students’ understanding of all fractional concepts learned in this unit.
Challenge Exercises To solve 10 additional problems that challenge students’ understanding of fractional concepts. To hone students’ problem-solving skills.
Solutions To review complete solutions to all exercises presented in this unit. Includes the problem, step-by-step solutions, and final answer for each exercise.
Learning Objectives Learn About Equivalent Fractions, Simplifying, Comparing, Ordering, Classifying. Converting Fractions To Mixed Numbers And Mixed Numbers To Fractions.
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