Consumer Math

Learning Objectives for all Consumer Math lessons in Unit 10.

Percent and Proportions

The student will be able to:

  • Define percent, ratio proportion and equivalent fractions.
  • Analyze percent problems to identify the given information and the unknown quantity.
  • Assign a variable to represent the unknown quantity.
  • Formulate a proportion to find the unknown quantity.
  • Solve the proportion to find the unknown quantity.
  • Explain the answer as it relates to the original problem statement.
  • Recognize that the unknown quantity is different for each problem depending on how it is worded.
  • Translate real-world problems into proportions involving percent.
  • Apply percent and proportion concepts and procedures to complete five interactive exercises.

Discount and Sale Price

The student will be able to:

  • Define percent, original price, rate, discount and sale price.
  • Identify the rate from a real-world problem.
  • Compute the discount.
  • Compute the sale price.
  • Describe the procedures for finding discount and sale price.
  • Describe an alternate procedure for finding sale price and discount.
  • Evaluate five interactive exercises with real-world problems.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply the procedures for finding discount and sale price to solve problems.

Simple Interest

The student will be able to:

  • Define principal, interest, interest rate and time.
  • Describe the formula for finding simple interest.
  • Apply the formula for finding simple interest.
  • Recognize the importance of converting time from months to years before applying the formula for interest.
  • Recognize the difference between simple and compound interest.
  • Compute simple interest.
  • Evaluate five interactive exercises with real-world problems.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply the procedures for finding simple interest to solve problems.


The student will be able to:

  • Define percentage, commission and straight commission.
  • Identify the given information from real-world problems.
  • Compute commission by applying percent concepts.
  • Restate the formula for finding straight commission.
  • Recognize that a commission can be earned or paid, depending on who is the seller and who is the client.
  • Evaluate five interactive exercises with real-world problems.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply the procedure for finding commission to solve problems.

Sales Tax

The student will be able to:

  • Define sales tax and tax rate.
  • Describe how sales tax is collected.
  • Compute sales tax by applying percent concepts.
  • Describe the procedure for computing sales tax.
  • Recognize that sales tax is included in the sale price in some countries.
  • Evaluate five interactive exercises with real-world problems.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply sales tax procedures to solve problems.

Percent Change

The student will be able to:

  • Define percent increase, percent decrease, and percent change.
  • Examine how percent increase is computed in a real-world problem.
  • Examine how percent decrease is computed in a real-world problem.
  • Restate the formula for finding percent change.
  • Identify the given information from real-world problems.
  • Compute percent change from real-world problems.
  • Distinguish between percent increase and percent decrease.
  • Recognize that percent increase and percent decrease are measures of percent change.
  • Evaluate five interactive exercises with real-world problems.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply percent change formulas and procedures to solve problems.

Practice Exercises

The student will be able to:

  • Examine ten interactive exercises for all topics in this unit.
  • Determine which formulas and procedures are needed to complete each practice exercise.
  • Compute answers by applying appropriate formulas and procedures.
  • Self-assess knowledge and skills acquired from this unit.

Challenge Exercises

The student will be able to:

  • Evaluate ten interactive exercises with real-world problems for all topics in this unit.
  • Analyze each problem to identify the given information.
  • Formulate a strategy for solving each problem.
  • Apply strategies to solve routine and non-routine problems.
  • Synthesize all information presented in this unit.
  • Connect percent applications to the real world.
  • Develop problem-solving skills.


The student will be able to:

  • Examine the solution for each exercise presented in this unit.
  • Identify which solutions need to be reviewed.
  • Compare solutions to completed exercises.
  • Identify and evaluate incorrect answers.
  • Amend and label original answers.
  • Identify areas of strength and weakness.
  • Decide which formulas and procedures need to be reviewed from this unit.