These worksheets include exercises on fractions, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and mixed numbers. They also feature problems involving decimals, including operations with decimals and converting between fractions and decimals. Additionally, these worksheets often contain geometry problems like measuring angles, calculating area and perimeter, and identifying properties of shapes, as well as multi-step word problems to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Addition and Subtraction | Answer Key
Algebraic Expressions | Answer Key
Decimal Operations | Answer Key
Decimal and Non-Decimal Multiplication | Answer Key
Decimal Place Value
Divide and Multiply
Division | Answer Key
Multiplication and Division
Percentages | Answer Key
Place Value | Answer Key
Ratios and Proportions | Answer Key

Area, Perimeter, Volume
Volume of Shapes | Answer Key
Measuring Length
Weight Unit Conversion | Answer Key

Data and Statistics
Making Bar Graphs | Answer Key
Reading Bar Graphs | Answer Key
Line Plots | Answer Key
Reading Line Graphs | Answer Key
Mean, Median, Mode

Number and Operations
Fraction Operations | Answer Key
Fractions – Adding Mixed Numbers
Equivalent Fractions
Prime and Composite Numbers | Answer Key

Problem Solving Skills
Grade 5 Problem Solving | Answer Key
Grade 5 Word Problems | Answer Key
Grade 5 Multiplication Word Problems
Proportional Patterns

Classify Angles and Surface Area | Answer Key
Capacity and Volumes | Answer Key
What is Taught in 5th Grade Math?
Fifth-grade math in the United States is a pivotal year where students solidify their understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts and begin to delve into more advanced topics. This grade serves as a bridge between the basic arithmetic taught in earlier grades and the more complex algebra and geometry that will follow in middle school. The curriculum is designed to enhance students’ computational skills, introduce them to the concept of mathematical relationships, and develop their problem-solving abilities.
In the area of Number and Operations in Base Ten, students in 5th grade deepen their understanding of the place value system. They learn to read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths, comprehending that the value of a digit is ten times the value of the digit to its right and one-tenth the value of the digit to its left. This involves reading and writing multi-digit whole numbers and decimals in standard form, expanded form, and word form, as well as comparing and ordering these numbers using place value understanding and number lines. Students develop proficiency in performing operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to hundredths, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using standard algorithms. They also focus on the precise alignment of decimal points when performing addition and subtraction, and they multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers and other decimals.
In the domain of Number and Operations – Fractions, students learn to recognize and generate equivalent fractions and to compare fractions by reasoning about their size. They use visual models, such as number lines or fraction bars, to understand equivalence and ordering, convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, and compare fractions with different denominators by finding common denominators or using benchmark fractions. Furthermore, students extend their understanding of fractions to include operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators by finding a common denominator and understand multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers as scaling or resizing. Additionally, they divide fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions, using visual models and equations to grasp these concepts.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking is another critical area where students begin to work with numerical expressions. They learn to write and interpret numerical expressions involving the four operations, use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate them. Students also understand the order of operations and apply it to solve problems, adhering to the PEMDAS/BODMAS rules. They explore patterns and relationships in numbers and operations by generating two numerical patterns using given rules and identifying relationships between corresponding terms, forming ordered pairs, and graphing them on a coordinate plane.
Measurement and Data is a significant focus in 5th grade, where students understand units of measure and convert measurements. They convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system, such as converting centimeters to meters or grams to kilograms, and use these conversions in solving multi-step real-world problems. They are also expected to make and interpret various graphs, including line plots, bar graphs, and line graphs, and use operations on fractions to solve problems involving information presented in line plots, such as finding averages.
Geometric Measurement is another important area, where students understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and addition. They measure volumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic centimeters, cubic inches, and other units, and solve real-world problems involving the volume of right rectangular prisms, including those with fractional edge lengths. In the Geometry domain, students learn to graph points on the coordinate plane. They use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, understand the concept of the origin, and graph points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Additionally, students deepen their understanding of the properties and classification of two-dimensional figures, classifying figures based on properties such as the number of sides, lengths of sides, and types of angles (right, acute, obtuse). They identify attributes of specific shapes, such as parallelograms, trapezoids, and polygons, and recognize that shapes in different categories may share attributes that can define a larger category, like quadrilaterals.
Throughout the 5th grade math curriculum, there is a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to approach mathematical problems with a strategic mindset, planning and executing multi-step solutions. They use visual aids and models, such as drawings, number lines, and diagrams, to better understand and solve problems, and communicate their mathematical thinking clearly and precisely, both in writing and verbally.
Many 5th grade math programs integrate technology to enhance learning. This includes utilizing educational software and online platforms that offer interactive exercises, games, and tutorials. Students are encouraged to use calculators for complex computations while ensuring they understand the underlying mathematical principles. Video lessons and digital tools are incorporated to visualize and explore mathematical concepts, making learning more engaging and effective.
A key aspect of the 5th grade math curriculum is applying mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. Students solve word problems that involve realistic situations, such as shopping, cooking, and travel. They engage in projects that require mathematical planning and execution, like designing a simple architectural layout or creating a budget, and understand the importance of mathematics in various professions and everyday life.
Fifth grade math lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in middle school. The skills and concepts mastered in this grade prepare students for topics such as pre-algebra, where they will explore more complex equations and relationships between variables, advanced geometry, including the study of three-dimensional shapes and the Pythagorean theorem, and data analysis and probability, which involve interpreting data sets and understanding chance. By the end of the year, students are expected to have a strong grasp of number operations, including fractions and decimals, a deeper understanding of measurement and geometry, and the ability to approach problems logically and strategically. This comprehensive preparation is essential for their success in middle school and beyond.