High Stakes Heist: Order of Operations Game
High Stakes Heist
There’s only one way to crack the code. Solve the math equation using Order of Operations!
Understanding the Order of Operations
Have you ever puzzled over a math problem, unsure of where to start or how to proceed? Perhaps you’ve encountered expressions like “6 + 2 x 3” and wondered why some people get different answers. The secret lies in understanding the Order of Operations, a fundamental concept in mathematics that dictates the sequence in which mathematical operations should be performed.
What is the Order of Operations?
In mathematics, when an expression involves multiple operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it’s essential to follow a specific set of rules to ensure consistency and accuracy in calculations. These rules collectively form what is known as the Order of Operations.
The PEMDAS Acronym
One common mnemonic device used to remember the Order of Operations is PEMDAS:
Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)
Let’s break down each of these components:
1. Parentheses: Any operations enclosed within parentheses must be performed first. Parentheses indicate that the expression within them should take precedence over the rest of the expression. For example, in the expression “6 + (2 x 3),” the multiplication inside the parentheses must be performed before the addition.
2. Exponents: After resolving any operations within parentheses, exponents are tackled next. An exponent indicates that a number should be multiplied by itself a certain number of times. For instance, in the expression “2^3,” 2 is multiplied by itself three times, resulting in 8.
3. Multiplication and Division: Moving from left to right, multiplication and division operations are performed next. These operations have equal precedence and should be evaluated in the order they appear. For example, in the expression “6 + 2 x 3,” the multiplication (2 x 3) is performed before the addition.
4. Addition and Subtraction: Finally, after handling all parentheses, exponents, multiplication, and division, addition and subtraction operations are executed from left to right. Similar to multiplication and division, these operations are performed in the order they appear in the expression.
Why Does Order Matter?
Following the Order of Operations ensures that mathematical expressions are evaluated consistently, regardless of who is performing the calculations. Without these rules, different individuals might interpret the same expression differently, leading to confusion and inconsistent results.
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