Mathematics and Climate

Mathematics and Climate


Scientists use mathematics to better understand oceans, the atmosphere and polar ice caps. We invite you to explore the web to answer the questions to learn about math and climate:

  • How long will summer Arctic sea ice survive?
  • Are hurricanes getting more intense?
  • How much will sea level rise as ice sheets melt?
  • How do humans affect climate change?
  • How is global climate monitored?

The Task

First, you will learn about climate change and global warming through web explorations. You will then explore sites with data to see how climate change and global warming are monitored. Next, you will then learn how humans affect global warming and what you can do to stop it. Lastly, you will apply your knowledge by solving related math problems. These tasks will require a computer, access to the web and paper and pencil.

The Process

Process Part I:  Learn About Climate Change and Global Warming

  1. What is global warming?
  2. Global Warming: Early Warning Signs
  3. Basic Information on Climate Change
  4. Carbon dioxide and global warming
  5. CO2 Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the U.S,
  6. Sea Ice in the Global Climate System (PDF)
  7. The Decline of Arctic Sea Ice
  8. Hurricanes and Climate (PDF)
  9. Climate Change and Extinction
  10. Guide to Energy, Emissions and Greenhouse Gases by

Process Part II:  How Global Warming and Climate Change are Monitored

  1. The Impact of Global Warming in North America
  2. The Impact of Global Warming in Other Regions
  3. Carbon's New Math
  4. Global Warming by the Numbers
  5. Global Warming Math: The Hard Numbers
  6. CO2 Emissions by Country
  7. Greenhouse Gases, Climate Change and Energy

Process Part III:  How Humans Impact on Global Warming and Climate Change

  1. Calculate Your Personal Impact on CO2 Emissions
  2. Calculate Your Household's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  3. Carbon Footprint Calculator
  4. TakePart Social Action Network
  5. 12 Things You Can Do (PDF)
  6. Reduce your impact at home
  7. Reduce your impact while on the move
  8. 100 plus ways to conserve water
  9. A guide to recycling electronics
  10. Green Building Concepts
  11. Tree Removal - A Guide to Becoming a Tree Hugger

Process Part IV:  Apply Your Knowledge

  1. Browse our lesson on Percent Increase and Decrease.
  2. Complete the five interactive exercises at the end of this lesson.
  3. Complete our Worksheet on Math and Climate (PDF), by math teacher Gisele Glosser.
  4. Complete these Math Conversion Review Problems, by science teacher Frank Virzi.


  1. Print the answer key for our worksheet from Process Part IV.
  2. Check your answers to see if you are correct.
  3. Check your answers to the problems by Frank Virzi (at bottom of page).
  4. List three things you already do in your everyday life to help stop global warming.
  5. List five new things you could be doing to help stop global warming.
  6. List three things that are being done at your school to help stop global warming.
  7. List five new things that could be done at your school to help stop global warming.


Congratulations! You learned about the issues of climate change and global warming through online explorations. You also learned how climate change and global warming are monitored. Most importantly, you learned how humans affect global warming, and things you can do to stop it.

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